Specific long term and short term assignments
2006 to 2014
World wide – Compas Programme on Endogenous Development
Recipient: ETC Foundations, The Netherlands (www.compasnet.org).
Member of International Coordination Unit of Compas Programme, with special assignment on policy dialogue and training in the programme. Methodology development and supervision of process of policy dialogue in several countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Training in Sri Lanka, India, Ghana, Tanzania, Guatemala, Bolivia, Chile and Peru.
England – Synthesis report for Mid-term reviews of Democratising the Governance of Food Systems
Recipient: IIED, London, England.
As part of the Mid-term review of the Program Democratising the Governance of Food Systems: Citizens Rethinking Food and Agricultural Research for the Public Good, I made a synthesis report of two reviews in West Africa and South East Asia.
2005 to 2008
World wide – Evaluation of Sustainable Urban Development Programme
Recipient: IOB (Policy and Operations Evaluation Department) of Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands.
External Head Consultant for IOB for policy evaluation of twelve years program on Sustainable Urban Development worldwide consisting of more than 700 projects (total funding 737 millions EUR). Case studies in: Ethiopia (dec 2005/jan. 2006); Nicaragua & Costa Rica (jul/aug 2006); South Africa; Bolivia and Philippines (2007) Methodology development, preparation, selection and supervision of evaluation teams, reporting, final document preparation.
2003 to 2018
Portugal – Master course Seminar on Education and Formation
Recipient: ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal.
As part of the Master Course ‘Development, Local Diversities and World Challenges’ on a yearly basis a seminar is implemented, concentrating on participatory approaches for education and formation in local development context. Master’s, thesis are supervised.
2003 to 2004
World wide – SAIL Projects Programme Evaluation
Recipient: SAIL Project Bureau, Nuffic, The Netherlands.
Part of a consortium for the integrated evaluation of SAIL Program consisting of 10 years of experience in international education with interventions in some 40 different projects (annually earmarked budget 10 millions EUR). The prospective lessons from evaluation of 12 projects selected would benefit future International Higher Education Programs. Methodology development and head consultant for field evaluations in Peru (PEGUP), Tanzania (EISCAP), Vietnam (VWU), Colombia (ESEE).
2002 – 2005
Portugal – Seminar on Participatory Approaches for Local Development
Recipient: University of Evora, Department of Sociology, Portugal.
As part of the VIII and IX Master Course of Sociology (‘Human Resources and Sustainable Development’) I developed a workshop/seminar, concentrating on participatory approaches and methods for local development.
Portugal – Training of Aga Khan Foundation Urban Development teams
Recipient: Fundaçao Aga Khan, Lisbon, Portugal.
As part of the Urban Community Development Program (UCSP), an initiative of Aga Khan Foundation in Portugal, the whole team received training in the development and implementation of community development projects in three neighbourhoods in Lisbon and Sintra. Development projects have been supervised.
2000 to 2007
The Philippines – Collaborative research program on Biodiversity
Recipient: SEARCA (SAMEO Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture), The Philippines.
Dutch chair of Joint Philippine-Netherlands Programme Committee of the Philippine-Netherlands Biodiversity Research Programme (BRP) for development in Mindanao with focus on Mount Malindang and its environs: collaborative research programme on biodiversity management and conservation undertaken by Filipino and Dutch academic, research and government organisations. The BRP has two major components, research projects and support activities. Management meetings twice a year.
1998, 2001 to 2005
World-wide – Joint Agenda setting for a research program on indigenous forest knowledge,
In co-operation with: ESSC (Philippines); CRES (Vietnam); CEASPA (Panamá); Entre dos Volcanes (Nicaragua); SER (Guatemala).
Together with five NGO’s and research institutes in the South a research project proposal has been developed on indigenous forest knowledge. It aims at a better insight in key bottlenecks in sustainable forest management for indigenous people in developing countries and will develop and test approaches to solve such problems. The project is carried out by non-governmental and university based organisations in five developing countries and coordinated by FMD. The process of agenda-setting was based on a broad stakeholder consultation.
1999 to 2004
The Netherlands – Participatory Evaluation of ‘Neighbourhood approach’
Recipient: Dienst Stedebouw en Volkshuisvesting, Rotterdam.
Together with colleges from Transfergroep Rotterdam FMD has developed a model for participatory evaluation in the complex urban context of both process and effect of a program. This evaluation concerns ‘the Rotterdam neighbourhood approach for urban renewal’ as developed in Millinx Neighbourhood. Evaluation Process continued until September 2003, reporting January 2004.
1999 to 2001
World-wide – Decentralisation study ‘Carpe Casus’
Recipient: Directorate General for International Co-operation (DGIS), the Netherlands in co-operation with: Equip Worldwide.
This encompasses a research project into decentralisation as practised within the DGIS and SNV-organisation. It is formulated to address decentralisation as an integrated part of ID policies. Its focus is on the institutional environment of the donor organisations themselves (DGIS and SNV) and their interfacing with immediate partners.
1999 to 2002
The Netherlands – Interactive Urban Neighbourhood Planning
Recipient: Stadsdeelraad Bos en Lommer (Local Government of Amsterdam).
Co-ordinate the process of participatory urban neighbourhood planning in a cultural diverse neighbourhood in Amsterdam. Participatory action research/community development activities have been implemented to identify problems and test possible solutions both to the physical- and the social/cultural environment. Activities related to urban environment, computer workshop for youngsters, employment, gender issues. Neighbourhood Theatre has been implemented among others.
1998 to 2002
The Netherlands – Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of ‘Agriculture and Welfare services for drugs addicts’
Recipient: Omslag Foundation and Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Hague.
A model for participatory monitoring & evaluation of both process and effect has been developed for an on-farm project for drugs addicts throughout the Netherlands. Monitoring took place during the full four years and evaluation document is presented to the Ministry.
1996 to 2000
The Philippines – Collaborative research program on Biodiversity
Recipient: Advisory Council for Scientific Research in Development Problems (RAWOO), The Netherlands.
Assist RAWOO in the formulation, development and implementation of a collaborative, participatory and interdisciplinary research program in the field of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development with the Philippines. After a mission to identify research needs and to assess the possibilities to set up a demand driven research program with long-term research partners, a process has started to facilitate agenda setting and research programming with identified partners in the Philippines. The research agenda is matched with Dutch possibilities for support. Regional universities, NGO’s and local authorities are involved in this collaborative program. A landscape approach will be used in Mount Malindang and its environs. The BRP has become a demand-driven research program based on South-North research partnership.
1997 to 2000
Three Continents – Dissemination activities on community management of rural and peri-urban water supply
Recipient: Directorate General for International Co-operation (DGIS), the Netherlands in co-operation with: International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC), The Hague.
General co-ordination of a five years project, which constitutes a dissemination strategy to stimulate the development of sound community managed water supply systems in developing countries. It builds on the experiences generated in the action research project, known as ‘PAR-Manage’ project. This project started in 1994 and assists communities and agencies in six developing countries in assessing and enhancing self-reliant management of improved rural and peri-urban water supply systems. Particularly emphasis on the development of training capacity in the project implementing organisations and institution building.
Services comprise:
- Project proposal development and fundraising
- Development and implementation of dissemination strategy
- Project management and guidance to implementation of subprojects (Videos, Training of Trainers, and Information Focal Point)
1993 to 1998
Nicaragua – Development of Research for the sustainable development of the Segovias
Recipient: Directorate General for International Co-operation (DGIS), the Netherlands.
Assist DGIS in the development, formulation and implementation of a multi-disciplinary research program in the Northern region of Nicaragua based on a participatory agenda setting. It has become a demand-driven research program initiated and implemented by the Nicaraguans. Topics are related to sustainable development of the region and research implementation and local research institutes, which have established an Association for research in the region, to do coordination.
Training in participatory action research is conducted to the members of the association since 1996. Services comprise:
- 14 missions in five year to give guidance to the process: agenda setting, formulation of program document, institutionalising program, development of procedures and structures, training of researchers
- Implementation of Training course ‘Participatory approaches to enhance local initiatives’, three two weeks workshops for local researchers during two years
- Systematisation of the process of ADESO Las Segovias as institution and as research programme
1993 to 1998
Three Continents – Participatory action research on community management of rural and peri-urban water supply
Recipient: Directorate General for International Co-operation (DGIS), the Netherlands in co-operation with International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC), The Hague, The Netherlands.
General co-ordination of a five year participatory action research on community management of rural and peri-urban water supply in twenty four communities in collaboration with partners in six developing countries (Cameroon, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan, Colombia, Guatemala) leading to the development of approaches, methods and tools to enhance the capacity of communities to manage their own water supply systems. Services comprise:
- Project proposal development and fundraising
- Implementation of action research project
- Training of country teams through one international planning and training workshop and six regional workshops on PTD and PRA
- Development of prospective approaches, methods and tools for improved support to communities.
- Numerous backstopping and co-ordinating missions to Kenya, Cameroon, Colombia, Guatemala, Nepal and Pakistan
1987 to 1992
The Netherlands – Management Course for Dutch expatriates
Recipient: Foundation for Cooperation Development (PSO), The Netherlands, in co-operation with Contact between Continents (KDK), The Netherlands.
As a trainer I designed and implemented two yearly training programmes for expatriates from PSO working in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Modules are focusing on experiences related to planning, monitoring and evaluation; to financial management; to training and organisational change; and conflict handling.
1991 to 1993
The Netherlands – Course “Enhancing Local Initiatives”
In co-operation with MDF-Management for Development Foundation, Ede, The Netherlands.
Design and execution of a 6 weeks international training course on “Enhancing Local Initiatives”. Aspects treated in the course are: systematisation of participants’ working experiences, new approaches in social forestry, comparison of new approaches to the existing, individual intervention skills, interview techniques, participatory planning, drafting a personal action plan.
1990 – 1994
The Netherlands – Community Forestry Training Course
Recipient: IAC-International Agriculture Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Within a training course of 15 weeks for policy makers from developing countries on the design of Community Forestry projects, training is provided which consisted of preparation and execution on self-evaluation of the experiences of the participants in Community Forestry.
1989 – 1993
The Netherlands – Post-graduate Course Forestry for Rural Development
Recipient: ITC-International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Design of 9 months Post-graduate Diploma Course on Forestry for Rural Development for students from developing countries in the Netherlands. Development of participatory teaching modules for the 8 months course. Teaching each year during 3 months out of the 8 months of the course and 6 weeks fieldwork coordination in Kenya/Zimbabwe. A total of 75 officers from developing countries have been trained.
The Netherlands – Evaluation of ‘Wijkgericht Samenwerken (Cooperation approach through Neighbourhoods’)’
Recipient: Auditing Committee of Municipality of Alkmaar, The Netherlands.
Again the model for participatory rapid evaluation (PKB) was implemented on both process and effect of a neighbourhood approach in Alkmaar of The Netherlands. All important stakeholders have been involved in the evaluation.
2003 to 2004
Portugal/Switzerland – Manual to improve development research partnerships
Recipient: KFPE (Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries, Switzerland.
Development of a manual to improve the selection process of development-oriented research in North-South partnerships. It includes guidelines on systematic procedures for selecting research activities.
Azores/Portugal – Training of Government officials in Local Development
Recipient: ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal.
As part of an EU funded project the general training of officials of the Governmental Institute of Social Action in the development and implementation of local development projects for all the isles of the Azores. Development projects are still supervised.
Portugal – Post Graduate Courses on Local Development
Recipient: Cooperative of Higher Education for Social Intervention, ISSScoop, Lisbon, Portugal.
Cycle developed of three courses on local development for the Cooperative: First course (‘From Diagnosis to the development of an action plan’); Second Course (‘The process: Strategy and definition of methods’); and Third course (‘Participatory Evaluation Methods for local development processes’).
Nicaragua – Workshop for programme development for network of community radio’s in Central America
Recipient: Foundation for Communication in Development CAF/SCO, The Netherlands.
Facilitation of a ‘workshop with programme managers and steering group members for the development of the framework of a long term programme for support to community radio’s in the Central American region.
The Netherlands – Participatory Rapid Evaluation of ‘Neighbourhood approach’
Recipient: Municipality of IJsselstein, The Netherlands.
Together with colleges from Transfergroep Rotterdam we have developed a model for participatory rapid evaluation (PKB) of both process and effect of the neighbourhood approach which is implemented in various municipalities of The Netherlands. Evaluation has been done together with all important stakeholders.
Nicaragua – Natural Resources Management Thematic Evaluation of the Pie de Monte Reforestation Project in Jalapa
Recipient: Directorate General for International Co-operation (DGIS/DRU) through ETC, The Netherlands.
The evaluation with a special focus on NRM was one in a series of 25 long-term projects evaluated through field studies. It is launched by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Results are intended to improve Netherlands policies and implementation strategies in development co-operation, particularly in view of changes to a Sector-wide Approach. Team-leader of evaluation team.
2001 to 2003
Switzerland – Impact Assessment Study on Research partnerships
Recipient: Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE), Switzerland.
Development with different donors of a common understanding and methodological framework for an impact assessment study on research partnerships. The aim is to evaluate various types of impacts related to North/South partnerships addressing different levels like policy, end-users. Most studies took place during 2003.
Central America – Evaluation of Strengthening of civil society
Recipient: Foundation PSO, The Netherlands.
Evaluation study of assistance with Dutch expatriates into the area of civil society in three countries in Central America.
1999 to 2000
Ivory Coast – Handbook on participation for ADB
Recipient: African Development Bank.
As part of important policy changes a handbook for task-managers is developed. Short training programmes and field-testing will follow in coming years.
The Netherlands – Dare to Share Fair on Participatory Development Approaches
Recipient: Directorate General for International Co-operation (DGIS) and Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), the Netherlands.
Co-ordinate together with ETC-Ecoculture the preparation and implementation of a two day Interactive information market, including forums, workshops, numerous open spaces and South-North Exchange. The event focussed on experiences with Participatory Development Approaches, designed with a process perspective, carried out by practitioners. Over 50 organisations from the South presented their approaches.
1997, 2000, 2002
Vietnam – Capacity building on participatory research methodology
Recipient: Secretariat of Vietnam Netherlands Research Programme (VNRP), Vietnam.
Regularly assist VNRP in training of researchers co-ordinators of funded development research projects throughout the country in participatory research methodologies, making use in workshops of the Vietnamese publication of ‘Some selected examples of participatory research’. Formulation of capacity building approach as part of the overall research program of VNRP.
The Netherlands – Methodological support to Participatory Urban Appraisal
Recipient: The Environment and Society Foundation (BMS), The Netherlands
Assist BMS in training and methodological support to an interdisciplinary team of seven experts from different countries from the South in the project ‘Citizens of Haarlem shape their future’, as part of Local Agenda 21. The seven experts were invited during six weeks to study the perspectives of the Haarlem society and its citizens. It was structured around a participatory methodology, which has been used mainly in the South.
1996, 1997
Nicaragua – Training program on Natural Resources Management and Participation
Recipient: GTZ, NARM project, Germany, in co-operation with CANTERA, Nicaragua.
Together with two trainers from Nicaragua a one weeks training course was developed and conducted for natural resources management experts in GTZ-projects in Latin America.
The Netherlands – Formulation of a research program on Technology for Resource Poor Farmers
Recipient: Free University of Amsterdam, Department of Biology and Society
Together with researchers from the Free University a research project proposal has been developed for a four-year project on technologies appropriate for resource-poor farmers in developing countries, based on participative strategies for science-based innovations. The project has been implemented during four years period in three countries of Africa and Asia.
Nicaragua – Evaluation of the rope pump
In co-operation with: IRC and consultants from Nicaragua
Team leader for the evaluation mission of the Nicaraguan experience with the rope pump for water supply. Economic, social and technical aspects.
Argentina – Three weeks workshop on participatory rural appraisal
Recipient: DSE/GTZ, Germany in co-operation with trainers from Latin America and England.
Together with two trainers from Latin America a three weeks training was conducted for rural development experts in GTZ-projects in Latin America. Fieldwork in three rural areas among others with Mapuche Indians.
1993 – 1994
The Netherlands – Field Study on project linking programme North – South
Recipient: Dutch Organisation for Development Co-operation (SNV), The Netherlands
Field study to analyse the experiences, functioning, and effects of project linking from Northern community/ village groups with Southern SNV project initiatives. Study in order to formulate future policy measures and proposal for improvement.
1994 – 1995
Pakistan – Third Income Generating Project for Refugee Areas
Recipient: World Bank, New York, United States of America in co-operation with DHV Consultants B.V., Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
Home-office co-ordination of World Bank project, which assists the Forestry Departments in NWFP, Balochistan and Punjab in implementing the social forestry, watershed management and extension and training subproject in order to create employment and generate income for Afghan Refugees and local residents and in order to rehabilitate the physical damage caused by these refugees and their livestock.
1992 – 1993
The Netherlands – Natural Resources Management Module
Recipient: ITC-International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Design of a module on Natural Resources Management for five post-graduate courses of department of land resources and urban sciences for students from developing countries in the Netherlands. Development of participatory learning methodology. Training of department staff in participatory learning methodologies.
1991 – 1992
West Africa – Regional Programme for Training on Ecology
Recipient: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
Project formulation, funding and general management of a regional training programme on environment in West Africa. Training of trainers of institutions and schools involved in the training of rural development officers. The development of in-service training system to strengthen the environmental knowledge of staffs presently working in the field.
1990 – 1991
SADCC countries – Forestry Extension Training
Recipient: SADCC 6.0.9. / FTP (FINIDA), Helsinki, Finland.
Strengthening the Forestry Extension Training component on Forestry Colleges within SADCC. Formulation of module to define future extension worker on the basis of the experiences of foresters and agronomists from government and non-governmental institutions. Facilitator of two week’s Portuguese national seminar on Forestry Extension to formulate guidelines on Forestry Extension and to introduce a participatory formulation process in Mozambique.
The Netherlands – Book on Participatory Development Research
Recipient: HVA – Amsterdam
Development of work and study manual for researchers, teachers and students in the higher education for social work in the Netherlands. A two weeks course was conducted as a trainer for trainers.
1991 – 1992
Colombia – Forestry for Rural Development in ITC/IGAC project
Recipient: ITC-International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Design and implementation of a new training module ‘Forestry aspects in rural development’, based on discovery learning. Development of fieldwork and teacher training during second implementation for teachers in the ITC/IGAC Forestry Course in Bogotá.
1987 – 1994
International Course for Rural Extension
Recipient: IAC-International Agriculture Centre, Wageningen.
Development (in co-operation with IAC) of International Course for Rural Extension and Training for professionals from developing countries. Support in the design of “Training for Trainers” based on a participatory learning methodology, development of participatory tools, Teacher Training and support in the implementation of the training.
Ecuador – FLACSO’s Community Forestry Course
Recipient: IAC-International Agriculture Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands in co-operation with FLACSO, Ecuador.
Development and implementation of first module for Latin American Community Forestry Course for senior foresters from the Andean region.
Sudan – Appraisal of educational aspects of AHFAD University
Recipient: Economic Union Office, Khartoum, Sudan
Participatory appraisal of educational aspects of AHFAD University for Women in order to justify the construction of a new training laboratory.
Aspects of the appraisal are: linkage with Sudanese development goals; contribution to educational needs of Sudan; employment possibilities of AHFAD graduates; curricula and staff requirements of different schools; management of the university; physical, financial and organisational requirements of new laboratory.